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Work opportunities from Task Squad

Posted on by ether

If you are age 18 to 25 and want employment opportunities but struggle to get interviews then Task Squad is worth looking at. Task Squad offers a unique experience enabling people to build their CV using the skills they’ve learnt from studying, volunteering and travelling rather than employment history as they believe that these key […]

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Unusual Yet Practical Career & Apprenticeship Advice

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Everyone has probably given you a bit of careers advice when starting a new role but it isn’t normally very useful! Notgoingtouni has recently posted a piece about unusual advice that actually might help you when starting and progressing in your new role. They offer six main pieces of advice, these are: Don’t Do Too […]

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Changing attitudes towards Modern Apprenticeships

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For many young people and their parents in Britain there is still a belief that apprenticeships are just for those students who want to get into some form of traditional manual work or those who were ‘not smart enough’ to go to university. These beliefs see thousands of sixth form students apply to university without […]

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East Surrey and Kent Wheels to Work

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In 2014 a company was started enabling young people to loan bikes and mopeds. It is a scheme for residents of East Surrey and Kent aged 16 or over who have a firm offer of full time work, training or education that they are unable to reach by public transport or public transport is not […]

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Kent Agricultural Society Scholarship Scheme

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The Kent County Agricultural Society’s Scholarship Scheme for 2016 has recently been announced. This new Higher Education scheme offers financial assistance to all students between the ages of 18-25 who are resident in Kent and are studying/plan to study a Land-based degree at university. Successful candidates will be eligible for up to £1,000 per year and for […]

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Will A Degree Make You Employable?

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Lots of people assume that if they go to university, study hard, and get a degree, then they will graduate and go straight into well paid work that will last them a lifetime. The question is; will a degree make you employable? has recently posted about whether a degree will make you more employable […]

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Marketing and Technology Jobs

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Not Going to Uni has recently posted about Marketing and Technology jobs. Marketing is big business if you want your company or product to be successful and it doesn’t really matter whether you’re a ‘one man band’ or a huge multi-national. Chances are, you will be using social media and other digital marketing techniques to […]

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Teacher training applicants fell last year, says UCAS

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The number of applicants for teacher training in England fell by 6.5% last year compared with the previous 12 months, according to a new analysis. But despite the drop in applications, more people were accepted to train. The figures, from university admissions body UCAS, look at applications both for higher education and schools-based teacher training […]

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Apprenticeships & Youth Unemployment

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Statistics show that youth unemployment in the UK continues to fall, with Labour Market statistics from last November showing 16% of 16-24 year olds were unemployed compared to 22.5% in 2011. This trend looks set to continue as the government works to make good on their pledge to create 3 million new apprentices by 2020. […]

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More cuts to further education

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When Jemma Coe was a schoolgirl in Great Yarmouth, she was in no state of mind to learn. She describes her younger self as “troubled” – a child who teachers were not able to reach and who dropped out of school at 15 without any qualifications. “I was in chaos,” she says. But Jemma, now 24 […]

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