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Could IT Be You? Competition

Posted on by ether

Network Rail is running its Could It Be You? competition for a 3rd year, which encourages young women to discover more about careers in the IT industry. The competition aims to raise awareness about the variety of job roles available. It also tries to dispel some of the myths about working in IT, like the […]

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The NCS Programme

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Are you 15-17, living in either Kent, Medway, East or West Sussex and no idea what to do with your life? Fear not. Thousands of people just like you are joining the National Citizen Service (NCS) programmes and getting ahead of the game. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or just want to know what this […]

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Tackling Exam Stress

Posted on by ether

It’s the exam season, with students facing the angst of revision and pre-exam nerves. But in a growing tradition, universities and student unions are making increasingly elaborate efforts to tackle stress. Here are some of the de-stressing tactics. Bouncy castle at the University of Leicester can shake off their exam anxiety with an inflatable castle. Micro […]

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GCSEs and A-level subjects culled by Ofqual

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The often-maligned subject, media studies, has survived a cull of A-level subjects as England’s qualifications watchdog moves to toughen examinations. Ofqual said it based its decisions on whether the subjects “were of an appropriate level of academic demand”. When he was a Labour education minister, David Blunkett, publicly regretted that too many youngsters were taking “narrow” […]

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What level of apprenticeship should you apply for?

Posted on by ether

It’s great that all the major political parties are talking about apprenticeships – about putting an end to the snobbery regarding them, about making sure that young people know that they are a serious alternative to setting out on your career path through university and about making sure that apprenticeships are both widely available and […]

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Conservative Party Education Policy

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A summary of highlights of the Conservative party’s pledges about education, apprenticeships and careers advice should it win the general election on 7 May. Having boosted the number of apprenticeships to 2.2 million over the last five years, one of the highlights was the pledge to support three million new apprenticeships, and treble the number […]

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Labour Education Policy

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A summary of highlights of the Labour party’s pledges about education, apprenticeships and careers advice should it win the general election on 7 May. One of the key pledges for the Labour party involves introducing “an independent system for careers advice” which offers young people personalised face-to-face guidance into university and apprenticeships Labour have pledges […]

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Liberal Democrats Education Policy

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A summary of highlights of the Labour party’s pledges about education, apprenticeships and careers advice should it win the general election on 7 May. The liberal Democrats pledge to double the number of businesses hiring apprenticeships and introduce  two million new apprenticeships. They also pledge to extend the sectors for apprenticeships to include the creative […]

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UKIP Education Policy

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A summary of highlights of the UK Independence party’s pledges about education, apprenticeships and careers advice should it win the general election on 7 May. UKIP have pledged to allow young people to start an apprenticeship in place of four non-core subjects at GSCE level and to abolish the AS level exam as a part of […]

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Green Party Education Policy

Posted on by ether

A summary of highlights of the Green party’s pledges about education, apprenticeships and careers advice should it win the general election on 7 May. The Green party pledges to provide more training and work experience for young people by expanding apprenticeships, providing apprenticeships to qualified young people aged 16-25 and increase the funding for them […]

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