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The ‘I’ Word: Do I Need an Internship?

Posted on by ether

At a recent careers fair, I spent the day talking to students about work experience schemes offered by the Careers and Employability Service. Time after time, these similar questions came up: “If I don’t get an internship is it going to affect my chance of getting a job in the future?” “Do I need to […]

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Interview advice

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An interview is a discussion in person, by phone or online, between you and an employer. The employer wants to see if you’re the right person for the job. You’ll get the chance to make a good impression and show the employer what you have to offer. You can also see if the job is […]

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How to find advertised job vacancies

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Spread your job search as wide as possible, as there are lots of places to look. On this page you can read about the main sources of advertised vacancies. Remember that many jobs aren’t advertised at all, so you’ll have to use networking to find out about them by word of mouth. The internet When looking for […]

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Apprenticeship vs Degree – Which route for success?

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The days of degree or bust are long gone. There are alternative ways into the workforce these days. Absolutely I would say to my own kids to consider them.” The words of a successful business person who never went to uni? Motivation from an educator encouraging their charges to look at all routes post-school? Maybe […]

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How to Start A Record Label: 10 Essential Tips

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Entering the music business world and launching an independent record label can be as rewarding as it is challenging in 2017.  Why? Well, with the rise of digital music, streaming and changes to copyright legislation alongside traditional distribution models, the industry’s landscape is ever evolving. It means aspiring music industry moguls are often confronted by a constantly changing set of obstacles and opportunities. The […]

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10 things you should know about Apprenticeships 2017

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Apprenticeships are big news right now. During April and May there are some crucial ‘go start’ dates for a number of reforms to apprenticeships, all with an objective to increase the quality and quantity of apprenticeships. To ensure you’re up to speed, and can make newly informed decisions on whether apprenticeships are right for your […]

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Top Career Paths to Consider in 2018

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Deciding on the perfect path to take, when it comes to a career, is a daunting task. With hundreds of careers to choose from, it makes it seriously difficult pinpointing one and sticking with it for the rest of your life. Thankfully, currently, there are countless places to turn to, to help you with your […]

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How to Change Career When You Have No Idea What You’re Doing

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Stuck in a job that isn’t you? Ready for a career change, but have no idea what else you could do – or where to start? Drawing on his own story, Richard explains how by not following the conventional career rules, you’ll radically increase your chances of finding something you love. It was one of the most […]

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10 things I wish I’d known before starting University

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It’s nothing like they show on TV You will probably be trying to imagine your daily life at university. No doubt half of your idea is built off fast-paced, drug-filled E4 dramas, or glossy American television shows. University is nothing like that. Each time I watch a film set on a college campus, I ask […]

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Is university right for you?

Posted on by ether

Having doubts about uni? You’re not the only one Going to university can be a huge step into the unknown – and not just for you. Everyone you know might seem to have it all sorted, but get inside their head and you’d find exactly the same doubts swimming around. ‘Is university really right for […]

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