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Save money during Christmas!

Posted on by ether

The easiest way to have an amazing new year is to finish this year strong – so you’re not picking up the pieces from day one! Thankfully, enjoying the holidays and saving money (or at least living within your means) aren’t mutually exclusive. And in this blog post, I’m sharing how you can do it […]

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How to not worry other others judging your career path?

Posted on by ether

Graduating college and finding a job you love is hard enough, never mind feeling like you’re being watched and judged by friends and family. The truth is, most of the time, that perceived judgment is only in our head, but either way, it’s a pain in the neck (literally, tension headaches) to even have to […]

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The way to Order the Essay

Posted on by ether

At the time you generate a particular seek, you will want to be aware of perhaps even the smallest aspect because if not, your entire energy is probably for the purpose of nothing. Whereas it’s not possible so prominent to make sure you generate some sort of essay somewhat nonetheless providing it to be nice. […]

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Staying off the Naughty List: How to have a productive Christmas

Posted on by ether

Christmas break is nearly upon us. That must feel good to read – especially if you’re first years. Nonetheless, do not waste the time you’ll soon have. Here are some tips on making the most of your break to ensure you can nail that first class honours. Study Leave First thing: don’t call it Christmas […]

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5 Common Resume Mistakes That Scream “Unprofessional”

Posted on by ether

If you’re sending out countless resumes but still aren’t getting any responses, it’s time to take a good, hard look over what you’ve been sending out. Are you committing one of these common cover letter or resume mistakes that are apt to make you appear unprofessional? Top 5 Common Resume Mistakes: 1. You’ve Missed Errors Even if […]

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9 Job Search Tips That Are So Simple People Forget Them

Posted on by ether

Have you been spending a lot of time unsuccessfully hunting for a new job? Do you want to make your job searching more efficient and rewarding? Then maybe it’s time to reevaluate how you’ve been searching, and applying for jobs. Job hunting can be a tough task as job seekers are usually up against countless […]

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The Top Hiring Hacks For Startup CEOs

Posted on by ether

One of the main goals of every startup CEO is to assemble a team of people that can do the job well. However, finding the right recruiters is often more challenging than anything, which is why a lot of CEOs decide to do the recruiting themselves. And if you think it’s a bit unusual, just […]

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15 Resume Words Recruiters Are Sick Of Seeing

Posted on by ether

Think you know exactly what a recruiter wants to see on your resume? Probably not. The down and dirty reality is that most job hunters rely on flowery, subjective language that actually says – and does – little in the way of giving the employer any real substance. Given that the average recruiter looks at […]

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5 Safest Places For A Girl To Travel Alone

Posted on by ether

Solo travel can be an extremely exciting and fulfilling adventure to undertake, however travelling alone can also be daunting as you’re often far away from the security and familiarity of home. In this article we look at some of the best and safest places around the world for female solo travel. Japan Japan is an […]

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New job? Six things to know before signing that contract

Posted on by ether

You may be feeling elated because you’ve been offered a new job, or perhaps it is your first foray into full-time employment. If the salary stacks up and it’s what you want to do, shouldn’t you just skim the more detailed aspects of your employment contract and simply sign up? Well, no. It’s always best […]

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