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500 seasonal full time jobs available in Medway and Kent later this year.

Posted on by ether

A C Goatham & Son is now recruiting to fill around 500 full time seasonal posts for the 2015 harvest season, beginning June 2015. Gayle Goatham, HR Manager at A C Goatham & Son comments: “We have a number of roles available each year and would like to urge people to get in touch with […]

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Rise in apprenticeship minimum wage recommended

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The Low Pay Commission (LPC) have recommended a rise in the minimum wage for apprentices of 7p per hour – but the Government has opted instead for an increase of 20% (57p) which would bring the minimum wage for apprentices up to £3.30 ph. You may not know that when a young person, living at […]

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Teaching revealed as top career choice for teenagers

Posted on by ether

According to a new study, more than one in 10 secondary school pupils would choose education as their preferred career, despite many having inaccurate salary expectations. According to the new study by the Edge Foundation, 12 per cent of 14 to 18-year-olds name teaching or lecturing as their ideal job, beating finance, real estate, and […]

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Applying For Work? Not Getting An Interview? What To Do!

Posted on by ether

Applying for jobs and not getting an interview can be incredibly frustrating, especially when not every employer will let you know if you have failed or not., instead waiting for a deadline to pass without word to realise that you didn’t make the cut. If this is happening to you it might be worth taking […]

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