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Clean your Brain – Why You Need to Sleep

Posted on by ether

There have been a lot of studies into sleep recently, including research into why we dream and how our sleep patterns work. Studies have shown, for example, that we tend to sleep in cycles that last around an hour and a half – meaning that we are more likely to have a good night’s sleep […]

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Why you need to be motivated at work or in your studies

Posted on by ether

When you are at school a lot of your motivation is done for you. Either your teachers or your parents are on your case to make sure you get your work done and not fall behind with your studies. However, as you grow, you are given more responsibility and increasingly left to look after yourself. […]

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Soft skills valued over technical knowledge in graduates

Posted on by ether

Effective communication and an ability to work as part of a team are valued more highly than technical knowledge by graduate employers, according to a new study. The survey of 198 UK employers found that soft skills, including confidence and an ability to be analytical were all valued more than technical knowledge by employers at […]

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Shh Don’t tell the boys – this is for the girls

Posted on by ether

Your Life is a three-year campaign to ensure the UK has the maths and science skills it needs to succeed in a competitive global economy. The campaign will do this by inspiring young people to study maths and physics as a gateway to exciting and wide-ranging careers; and by helping employers recruit and retain talent, […]

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Young Chef wins National Competition

Posted on by ether

Many people do not realise that being a chef is one of the jobs available in the rural sector.  It is of course obvious when you think of it, producing food is the first stage but preparing it and serving it is the second stage.  Eden Allsworth went to school in Kent and has a passion […]

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