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Shh Don’t tell the boys – this is for the girls

Posted on by ether

Your Life is a three-year campaign to ensure the UK has the maths and science skills it needs to succeed in a competitive global economy. The campaign will do this by inspiring young people to study maths and physics as a gateway to exciting and wide-ranging careers; and by helping employers recruit and retain talent, […]

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Young Chef wins National Competition

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Many people do not realise that being a chef is one of the jobs available in the rural sector.  It is of course obvious when you think of it, producing food is the first stage but preparing it and serving it is the second stage.  Eden Allsworth went to school in Kent and has a passion […]

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Are your Social Media profiles hindering your recruitment?

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After a great summer of holidays, parties and suntan; your Facebook and Twitter profiles will be full of happy photographs and memories…but could these be stopping you from getting a job? Author: Jenny Bostock /Friday, October 17, 2014 After a great summer of holidays, parties and suntan; your Facebook and Twitter profiles will be full of happy […]

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Online blogs for young people at Careersbox

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The Careers box website is a little different from many career sites, obviously we want you to look at ours first! have a whole host of short video clips giving information about real jobs. Whether you know what you want to do or have no idea, this site will at least give you some […]

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Will your course lead to a job? Report reveals tough times for young people

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If you want your training course to lead to job, it may pay to think about vacancy levels first, according to a new report out this week. The IPPR report Remember the young ones highlights the difficulties faced by young people in today’s job market. Individuals looking for work aged 16-24 (excluding full-time students) are […]

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Warning on lack of careers advice

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By Sean Coughlan BBC News education correspondent Careers services for young people in England need to be urgently improved, says a report from an advisory body set up by the government. The National Careers Council, which has been investigating the current state of careers provision, highlights a lack of consistency and availability. It warns too […]

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Traineeships: get a skills and experience boost

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If you need to get more skills or work experience to get into the job, Apprenticeship or course you want, Traineeships could be ideal for you. They last between six weeks and six months, and combine work experience with skills training. You can consider a Traineeship if: you’re aged 16-18 inclusive and have not achieved […]

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How to Use LinkedIn to Full Advantage

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LinkedIn is a social networking site like no other. Rather than ‘tweet’, ‘poke’ or simply upload ridiculous amounts of excessive photos, LinkedIn benefits the professional working individual in meaningful aspects; it could be the perfect place to find your next work position. As of June 2013, LinkedIn was reported to have 225 million members and […]

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Starting salaries rise at record rate

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Companies fighting over a shrinking pool of potential employees willing to take a new job have had to bump up starting salaries at a record rate to attract workers, writes Alan Tovey. Data from the REC/KPMG report on jobs show 38.3pc of employers had to pay more in June than in the previous month to […]

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Robots will take over middle-class professions, says minister

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David Willetts, the university minister, suggests high-level professions are more likely to be taken over by computers than those that involve apparently simple tasks such as making a cup of tea. Accountants, teachers and other middle-class professionals will see their jobs increasingly be taken over by robots, the universities minister has said. David Willetts said […]

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