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What Not to do on your CV

Posted on by ether

Your CV is important whether you are applying for work or an apprenticeship, so getting it right to make sure you give yourself the best chance of success is key. Your CV should offer enough information to get the interest of your potential employer and make them think you are worth speaking to. With most […]

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New Careers have been added onto the App

Posted on by ether

New careers have been added onto the app today. The new jobs that have been added are: Administration Assistant Farm Manager Strawberry Picking / General Farm Worker Test Plot Assistant (tractor and irrigation system) Packhouse Shift Manager Farm hand Bar manager If any of these careers would be of any interest to you then take […]

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Study Tips for 2016

Posted on by ether

For many students the new year will mean exams. Whether or not you have made any New Year’s Resolutions, you can always seek to improve yourself and make the New Year one of successful study. Why not take advantage of the new start and use some of our study tips to make sure you work […]

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What do Employers Want?

Posted on by ether

To get by in the work place there are certain skills that everybody needs, this doesn’t mean basic Maths and Literacy Skills either. 61% of firms say school and college leavers have not developed the self-management skills they need for work while at school. Employers still find that the school leavers lack the initiative, problem-solving and […]

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Society to fund Agricultural Students

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The Kent County Agricultural Society, Education and Farming Committee have announced a new Higher Education, Scholarship Scheme for Agricultural students in Kent.  The financial assistance is open to all students who have lived in Kent for three years at the time of their application. Successful candidates will be eligible for up to £1,000 per year and […]

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Find the job that’s right for you

Posted on by ether

There are lots of people around that don’t know what sort of career path they want to take. If you’re one of them ask yourself these simple questions to help you find the perfect job for you… Which kinds of jobs match my personality? When looking for a job it can be a good idea […]

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Student CV Tips: The Ticket to Your Dream Job

Posted on by ether

According to the Higher Education Statistics Agency, over two million students began their first year of university in the academic year 2013/2014. Two million. This should mean one thing to students: competition. A first class degree is no longer a sure route to a well paid and rewarding job, this means that students have go […]

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Young People Inspired By Engineering Event

Posted on by ether

Friday 6th November 2015 Young People Inspired By Engineering Event 40 young people, from schools in Ashford benefited from a day of interactive sessions on careers within the engineering sector. Hosting by CXK, the pupils from Years 9 and 10 took part in four different activities, all designed to raise awareness of what engineering is […]

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Have You Considered a Career in Commercial Horticulture?

Posted on by ether

Have you considered a career in Commercial Horticulture? The Regional NFU have produced some case studies about different people working in the industry such as a Soft Fruit Grower, a Production Manager, an Operational Technical Manager, an Assistant Technical Manager and a Top Fruit Farm Worker and Game Keeper. NFU posters provide information about the horticulture industry including the […]

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Nicky Morgan’s Speech about Education in the UK

Posted on by ether

The Education Secretary speaks at Policy Exchange about the government’s reforms to promote educational excellence everywhere. There has been a transformation in English Education over the past five years, but the Education Secretary Nicky Morgan believes it has been worth it. There have been 29,000 extra 11-year-olds who are entering secondary school able to read, write […]

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