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How to Have a Proactive (and Fun) Summer Break

Posted on by ether

Rejoice, the long-awaited summer break is just around the corner. But, while it might be tempting to spend your days watching Netflix and eating your body weight in ice cream, why not make this summer a productive one? Grab yourself an internship These days work experience usually extends further than making the tea and opening […]

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7 Ways to Boost Brain Power While Studying

Posted on by ether

Our brains play a huge part in what makes us ‘us’, and keeping your brain in tip top condition can give you that head start towards success, particularly during your studies. If you’re looking for ways to boost your brain power in time for the first semester of the coming university year, read on to […]

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5 pieces of careers advice to NOT listen to at school or college

Posted on by ether

Throughout your time at school or college, teachers will always try and advise you in any way they can to ensure that you are going to smash your exams ready for when you leave. However, not all the advice that is given is always that helpful – in some cases it can cause the confusion […]

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The 11 Stages of Revision We All Go Through

Posted on by ether

Revising for GCSEs, A-levels or College exams can be stressful for everyone as different emotions and feelings come through. The pressure placed on individuals can make revision harder with procrastination prevailing over effective revision – every individual revises differently but everyone shares the following stages! Peer Pressure Before you’ve even started thinking about revising, it […]

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The Benefits of an Accountancy Apprenticeship

Posted on by ether

If you’re nifty with numbers and are considering a career in accountancy, there are a number of options available to you and they don’t just include an undergraduate degree. An apprenticeship can be a great avenue when you’re beginning your accountancy career, here’s why: Earn whilst you learn With current tuition fees totting up to […]

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What is It Like to Change Universities?

Posted on by ether

Whether you’re not happy in your chosen university, the city you moved to isn’t quite what you thought it would be or you simply don’t want to be there anymore, there are many reasons why people transfer universities during their degree. Here’s why it’s totally ok to make this change and how to do it… […]

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Business Beckons – Not University

Posted on by ether

Once you’ve finished your ‘A’ Levels or diploma in Business Studies, the amount of post-18 options out there is bafflingly high. However, the two most well-trodden paths are going to university and finding a job. With the average student debt standing at a whopping £44,000 and no guarantee of a job at the end of […]

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