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5 Things You Need To Know when starting A-levels

Posted on by ether

If you are just starting your A-levels then you will probably be going through some changes from your GCSEs.  Having spent the last few years working up to your GCSE exams you are now set to move to the next stage of your education, but there are a few things that you need to know […]

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Choosing A-level subjects

Posted on by ether

The subjects you take at A-level can have a major impact on your future direction so before embarking on two years’ hard work it’s well worth doing your research. Here’s our five-point guide to making your choices. Ability and enjoyment If you enjoy your studies, you are likely to be more motivated. Similarly, having a […]

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Apprenticeships Options After GCSEs

Posted on by ether

Lots of young people don’t realise that having to stay in some form or education or training until they are 18 years old does not mean that you have to stay at school and study full time for either a vocational qualification or A Levels.  Find out about apprenticeship options after GCSEs. In England, once […]

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Positive Peer Pressure

Posted on by ether

Your friends have a huge influence on who you are as a person. They influence the things you like, the places you go, and what you do. As we spend time with others we are exposed to their thoughts, ideas, and actions – and it is very easy to follow along, especially if you are […]

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Why does it matter if girls don’t enter STEM careers?

Posted on by ether

Females make up only 14% of the STEM (science, engineering, technology and maths) workforce in the UK. Some still report that females are discouraged from working in STEM related careers; either by misconceptions or lack of confidence that girls have regarding their own capabilities, particularly in maths or by perceptions that parents have about STEM […]

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