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Teacher training applicants fell last year, says UCAS

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The number of applicants for teacher training in England fell by 6.5% last year compared with the previous 12 months, according to a new analysis. But despite the drop in applications, more people were accepted to train. The figures, from university admissions body UCAS, look at applications both for higher education and schools-based teacher training […]

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Apprenticeships & Youth Unemployment

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Statistics show that youth unemployment in the UK continues to fall, with Labour Market statistics from last November showing 16% of 16-24 year olds were unemployed compared to 22.5% in 2011. This trend looks set to continue as the government works to make good on their pledge to create 3 million new apprentices by 2020. […]

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More cuts to further education

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When Jemma Coe was a schoolgirl in Great Yarmouth, she was in no state of mind to learn. She describes her younger self as “troubled” – a child who teachers were not able to reach and who dropped out of school at 15 without any qualifications. “I was in chaos,” she says. But Jemma, now 24 […]

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Agriculture is UK’s fastest growing subject

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Students are flocking to study agriculture – and the student farmer of the year says he’s not surprised. Agriculture is now the fastest growing subject at UK universities, with a 4.6% increase in student numbers last year. There are now more than 19,000 people studying it and related subjects. You may have thought a degree in […]

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