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Is University just an Expensive Gamble?

Posted on by ether

Going to university is expensive; tuition fees, living costs and a party lifestyle whilst studying are common costs that students will face. Unfortunately, however off putting the costs are, there is no way of getting around the fact that higher education and the experience is an expensive life choice, especially when research shows that student […]

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8 Important Work skills

Posted on by ether

What work skills do all employers look for in candidates? Here are eight that apply to any job role that you might be interested in. Self-management skills – these include the ability to take responsibility for what you do, being able to prioritise your workload and organise your time to make yourself efficient and the […]

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What Employers Have To Gain From Apprenticeships

Posted on by ether

Recently apprenticeships have become increasingly popular amongst employers and youngsters as different industries are welcoming people without a degree into their career and training them through the job. The schemes offer people the chance to earn a wage whilst they train for a specific job or career all whilst gaining work experience at the same time. A great option […]

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