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Are your Social Media profiles hindering your recruitment?

Posted on by ether

After a great summer of holidays, parties and suntan; your Facebook and Twitter profiles will be full of happy photographs and memories…but could these be stopping you from getting a job? Author: Jenny Bostock /Friday, October 17, 2014 After a great summer of holidays, parties and suntan; your Facebook and Twitter profiles will be full of happy […]

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Online blogs for young people at Careersbox

Posted on by ether

The Careers box website is a little different from many career sites, obviously we want you to look at ours first! have a whole host of short video clips giving information about real jobs. Whether you know what you want to do or have no idea, this site will at least give you some […]

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Will your course lead to a job? Report reveals tough times for young people

Posted on by ether

If you want your training course to lead to job, it may pay to think about vacancy levels first, according to a new report out this week. The IPPR report Remember the young ones highlights the difficulties faced by young people in today’s job market. Individuals looking for work aged 16-24 (excluding full-time students) are […]

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