Recently Kent Rural Careers have launched a Facebook Messenger chatbot to allow people to find out more information about Rural careers and the different sectors within the industry. The chatbot is aimed towards people who want to start a career in the sector but feel that they might need more information or want to browse through the possible options available to them; the app covers the majority of questions regarding careers in the rural sector and gives lengthy descriptions on what each career entails. To use it, go to your Facebook Messenger and search for Kent Rural Careers; say hello and let the chatbot guide you through a series of questions to help you find some wonderful career opportunities in the Rural Sector.
When using the chatbot you can ask specific questions regarding specific sectors of the Rural sector such as Equine or take part in a quiz to guide you to careers that could possibly suit your personality, interests and skillset. By finding out specific pieces of information like you interest, relevant jobs or answers can be given to provide a beneficial experience for the user; both making it easy to use and making sure each person is given the best and most relevant information tailored to them. As well as the basic career information that the chatbot provides, you can also find out about courses, salaries and possible qualifications that go along with the career giving you a better understanding of your chosen sector.
For a fun and interactive experience try this brilliant messenger bot today and join the conversation. Your dream job could be one chat away…