You may not need to be ready to apply for things over a year in advance, but it would be helpful to research what options are available to you and secure some placements to help build your personal statement as early on as possible. A lot of universities can close applications for their schemes anytime between February and May, meaning it is important to get organised, if not by Christmas then at least soon after. This includes getting a part time job or becoming a volunteer: universities love anything that shows a bit of commitment and dedication. Who wouldn’t want that on their team?
You may be one of those people who have had to push themselves into these schemes for the benefit of the university admissions and something to brag about on your personal statement. But what may not be so obvious from the start is that many of these schemes can be a real confidence booster and will definitely help in securing your decision on what university course is (or isn’t) right for you.
Article by ‘Brightside Bright Knowledge’ , to read the full article click here