Think you know exactly what a recruiter wants to see on your resume? Probably not. The down and dirty reality is that most job hunters rely on flowery, subjective language that actually says – and does – little in the way of giving the employer any real substance.
Given that the average recruiter looks at a resume for mere seconds, you’ve extremely limited time to leave your mark! Lucky for you, CareerBuilder released a study not long ago uncovering some of the biggest word flops and the terms that pack the biggest punch. And, because we think you’re so awesome, we’re bringing you the results here, too.
Ok, now’s the time to pause reading, open up that resume and start highlighting all those words you see above. In no time flat, they’ll be gone altogether – just bare with us.
Now, wondering what to replace those bad, bad resume words with? These 15 resume words are the terms that recruiters and prospective employers really are looking for.
You might notice some slight patterns in these two lists. According to Rosemary Haefner, vice president of human resources at Career Builder, “Subjective terms and clichés are seen as negative because they don’t convey real information. For instance, don’t say you are ‘results-driven’; show the employer your actual results.”
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